If you have ever sat in traffic and wondered whether you have done everything you can to secure your home while you’re away, home automation should appeal to you. From switching off lights to scheduling appliances to switch on so others believe you are in the house, automation devices serve multiple security purposes. With complete flexibility, the device you choose offers you unparalleled peace of mind, and can even save you money.
Which Aspects of Home Automation Can Keep Your Home Secure?
Although being able to control your heating from a distance is a nice luxury, it isn’t going to enhance your home’s security. Light control, however, can. When you leave your property for an extended period of time, scheduling the lights to switch on in the evening for a little while can give the illusion that you are at home. This in turn deters those who look for empty properties to break into.
The electronic control doesn’t end there. In addition to allowing you to control lighting, home automation systems allow you to control other electronics from a distance:
- Irrigation systems: As well as keeping your grass green, this too gives the impression that you are at home.
- Blinds and curtains: Now you can keep your goods hidden from prying eyes during the evening. Combined with lighting control, this can prevent potential thieves from figuring out that the property is actually empty.
- Door locks: Should you wish to, you can lock internal and external doors using your automation system. This is handy for those who tend to go out and forget to lock the door behind them.
Adding a Webcam to Your Home Automation System
Many modern home automation systems now allow you to receive alerts if your security system detects an intrusion. As any owner of a hypersensitive security system will know, such alarms can arise as a result of bad weather, adventurous birds, or even insects. If you choose to add a webcam to your system, you can use it to scan the rooms when you receive an alarm. This then allows you to make a decision over whether the alert warrants further attention, or you can sit back and relax. In many cases, it is also possible to reset your security system from a distance. Your neighbours will soon thank you for this when your alarm doesn’t sound until it has exhausted itself.
Integrating Security Features with Your Phone
All of the features you add to your system can be controlled from your phone or tablet. Whether you have an Android or Apple operating system, the chances are you can control your home’s security remotely, without any problems. In addition, you can control the system from any PC that is capable of handling flash, which is good news for those who want to check on their home’s security while at the office.
The applications that home owners use for these systems are usually free to download. As you flick between the different screens, you can see how hot your home is, whether certain electronics are running, which areas have been locked, and more. With a few flicks of your fingers, it is possible to adjust your home’s climate and security, without having to return to it. As a result, forgetting the keys need not be an issue, and you no longer have to ask the neighbours to keep an eye on your house while you’re away.